Staff and Leadership
Rev. Andy Bramsen
Andy serves as rector of Resurrection Anglican Church, where his responsibilities include preaching, pastoral care, liturgical leadership, and overseeing Resurrection’s staff, as he seeks both to equip the people of God for the work of ministry and to build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). He began serving at Resurrection as a lay preacher in 2022, and came on staff as pastor of discipleship and was ordained as deacon in 2023. In 2024, he completed his masters degree in theological studies from Bethel Seminary, was ordained as priest, and became Resurrection’s rector. In addition to his pastoral vocation, he teaches political science and humanities at Bethel University, the job that brought his family to Minnesota in 2013. After growing up as a missionary kid in Senegal, then living in seven different states since returning to the US, he is grateful to have found a home in Minnesota.
Andy and his wife Sara have been married since 2005 and have three daughters and a son. They love reading together as a family, making day trips to the North Shore, enjoying hot beverages while it snows, participating in the life of the church, and inviting people into their home.
Rev. Blair Carlson
God called Blair to “preach good things around the world”, planting that vision and then fulfilling it, leading Blair through 26 years of organizing Billy Graham Missions in many countries. He has also served Anglican churches in England, France, Ukraine, and Tunisia. He studied for ministry at Cranmer Hall, St. John’s College in Durham, England. He was ordained deacon at Chichester Cathedral in 2002 and was priested at St. Mary’s Hailsham, East Sussex in 2003 where he served his curacy. Blair grew up in an Evangelical Free Church missionary home in Hong Kong where he was also involved with St. Andrews Anglican Church. Blair and his wife Elizabeth now live in Minneapolis and have two married daughters - one in California and one in Tasmania, Australia. He loves to work with his hands, has an eye for art, and enjoys walking, canoeing, and cooking.
Adam Murray
Adam serves as Director of Worship Arts. He is a Minnesota native and enjoys skateboarding, mountain biking, jam band music, digging in the garden and spending time with his wife, Britt and his four rowdy boys - Gilbert, Leonard, Frederick, and Samuel. Adam has a passion for exploring the intersection of beauty and our relationship to God. His responsibilities at Resurrection include leading music on Sunday Mornings, overseeing the integration of the arts into our life together, and bothering people to read more poetry.
Heidi Christenson
Heidi is involved in a little bit of everything when it comes to the church’s inner workings. From being the first point of contact for visitors to supporting the staff and managing all of the necessary operations that keep us running. Heidi graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies and enjoys working to support and uplift God’s people. She is native to the midwest but a transplant to Minnesota. Heidi has been married to Josh since 2002 and they have three daughters. They enjoy traveling, camping and playing games together.