Safety Policies and Procedures

For Children and Youth Volunteers

We love and are blessed by our children and youth, and we strongly believe it is one of our core responsibilities to help care for them and keep them safe. We do this through robust screening and training of our volunteers. Here are some of the policies and procedures our children/youth leaders and volunteers must understand and follow:

  • All volunteers at Resurrection Anglican must attend Resurrection Anglican for a minimum of six months before being eligible to serve in positions providing access to or involving interaction with minors.

  • All volunteers must pass a background check followed by a personal interview.

  • All volunteers must complete yearly in-person and online training to learn about proper safety and reporting policies and procedures.

You’re welcome to read and consider our overall policies. The other churches in our Minnesota/South Dakota Deanery share our Safety Policies for Children and Youth.

Our Response to Report of Abuse

We will report all suspected or alleged abuse or neglect of children to Hennepin County Child Protective Services.

This is because Resurrection Anglican is committed to providing children and their families with a safe, secure environment. To this end, any report of inappropriate behavior or suspicions of abuse or neglect will be taken seriously and will be reported, in accordance with this policy and MN state law, to Child Protective Services or criminal law enforcement.

When You Should Report

When in doubt, report.

Because sexual abusers ‘groom’ children for abuse, it is possible that a staff member or volunteer may witness behavior intended to groom a child for sexual abuse. Please report ‘grooming’ behavior, policy violations, or any suspicious behaviors to an immediate supervisor so that the church can take appropriate action to safeguard children in the program.

How to Report

To make a child protection report, call 612-348-3552. You can also email or check out more information on the Hennepin County website.

If a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

No permission is needed from Resurrection Anglican before reporting to law enforcement personnel or the Child Abuse Hotline. 

While not required by state law, please report all suspicions of child abuse or neglect (or any inappropriate or ‘grooming’ behaviors of a colleague or coworker) to an immediate supervisor. This request is intended to assist the church in properly protecting children involved in Resurrection Anglican programs.

Dual Reporting

Because many adults are unfamiliar with Minnesota reporting requirements and may be fearful of the process, Resurrection Anglican will utilize a ‘tandem or dual report’ model, where permitted. A “dual report” occurs when a Resurrection Anglican supervisor reports the suspicion or allegation together with the individual who saw, heard, or received information that caused him or her to suspect abuse or neglect.

A “dual report” is not required or intended to inhibit any staff member or volunteer from directly reporting to law enforcement, CPS, or the abuse hotline. Instead, it is meant to facilitate reporting, protect children, and support individuals who may not feel able or willing to report alone.

Reporting Misconduct of Any Kind

You can view the diocesan misconduct reporting page here.

As part of Resurrection Anglican (and the Upper Midwest Diocese), you have full access to the Misconduct Office’s* reporting services via a neutral, third-party Intake Officer whose expertise spans a twenty-year career. As a Chief Compliance Officer for three large investment firms, her responsibilities included conducting investigations into potential wrongdoing, gathering facts, conducting interviews, and assessing actions against policies and procedures. Besides receiving misconduct complaints involving clergy, staff, or laity of member dioceses, the Intake Officer also serves as a resource as we continue to research best practices in safeguarding policies, procedures, and care.

If you have a concern about misconduct in one of our diocesan churches, please report it. If you see something, please say something. The Intake Officer is ready and able to receive any concern or complaint from any person about any person (clergy, diocesan or church staff, or lay leader) in any of our churches.)

The initial information you provide will only be received by the Intake Officer. 

*The Misconduct Office and Intake Officer are part of the ACNA West collaboration of dioceses.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about our safety policies, procedures, or reporting, please contact our Safety Coordinator, Andrea Lang.