What is Anglicanism?
Faith is always a negotiation between our personal relationship with God and our participation in his work through the Church and in the world. We manifest our identity in Christ in our thoughts, words, and deeds. This can be seen in the form our worship takes, rooted firmly in the practices and prayers of Christians for long generations before us, and in our commitment to the Scriptures and the central creeds of the Church.
As a church birthed out of the Reformation, Anglicans acknowledge that the Scriptures contain everything necessary for salvation. In them, we discover our need for the redemption that is offered by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is also our responsibility to read them with integrity, respecting the treasury of interpretation found in the tradition, while incorporating the best of modern scholarship and our God-given faculties of reason.
The roots of Anglicanism stretch back to the first centuries of the church. For this reason, we seek to maintain our identity as catholic Christians through our robust commitment to historic liturgy and regular practice of the sacraments. Anglicans seek to embrace elements of worship and theology that have been practiced throughout the history of the Church while continuing to seek fresh ways in which that truth can be expressed in our day.
We adhere to the three ancient ecumenical creeds - The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian Creed, and The Apostles’ Creed - as the basic definitive statements of Christian belief.
The Jerusalem Declaration is a statement released by the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GAFCON) intended to address and clarify controversies and concerns in the Anglican Communion. You you read it here.
The Book of Common Prayer is the Anglican treasury of Christian prayers and includes the complete forms for daily and Sunday worship throughout the year. The 2019 version is published by the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).
Anglicanism began as a reform movement in the Catholic Church in England that sought to reclaim the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of justification by faith. Since that time, our church has seen the restoration of historic worship elements and the renewal of evangelical faith. At its best, Anglicanism continues to incorporate each of these movements into the ongoing life and worship of our church.
Resurrection Anglican is a part of the Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest and a member of the Anglican Church in North America. We are committed to an episcopal form of church governance and are submitted to the leadership of our bishop, Stewart Ruch, and our Archbishop, Foley Beach.
Simply Anglican by Winfield Bevins
The Anglican Way by Thomas McKenzie
Anglican Identities by Rowan Williams
To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism
We are honored to be a part of a family of local Anglican churches, spread throughout the Twin Cities.